Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Ent (and the first ent)

I seem to draw these Whenever I get too anxious. Kinda intended as an ent, but more of a person rooted and stiff and struggling and turmoiled.
Drew something similar to this about a year ago. Thanks to a hefty schedule, a long commute and some sparse bus scheduling, I had only about a 5 hour break between a shift on new years Eve and a morning shift new years day...
This is what came up for the commute home between those shifts. Definitely one of the deciding factors that led to me going to Monterey. Anyway, That recent picture at the top of the post isn't nearly as stress induced. I WOULD feel guilty about having these feelings again when my current situation isn't nearly as bad as it was last year... but that would only increase my anxiety. I have to be a little selfish at some point.

This picture is not as related, but I never remembered to post it either. It's more cybernetic than tree related, but the inspiration came from wood paneling.

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