Thursday, July 19, 2007

Brian's Robot EYES

Recently, everytime I start up BBB2, I find my tablet pen to be very heavy. I blame Pokemon for this- not the GAME, but rather all the extra stuff I've been doing while playing it, like the sketches and the little mini stories about my team. Those take up a lot of time.

Anyway finally Picked this up just a little more, and I'll try to stick with it to meat the August first deadline (for scene 3).
So that last scene was talking back and forth and back and forth, so I'm trying to break from that. Although the main problem there is, I'm a person who works to music, and the only audio I have in here so far is the dialogue. I'll make it a point to look for music before I continue back into this.

Anyway in this part, Brian will be browsing the internet (note to self, forgot to draw cable cord in this cell) using herself as the computer, while Bridgette slowly discovers Brian's carefully hid secret.


Anonymous said...

Hey Its me again.Just wanted to know if the mystery dungeon parody is coming out today or not.

Andrew "TX2" Turpel said...

I... don't know yet.