Friday, September 28, 2007

This ever happen to you?

Ever have one of those times when your Eating dinner and facing the window, but then you look at the Window and you see your reflection...
And It's all dark and shadowy because of the Overhead lighting and because you forgot to take your hat off at the table- which is probably one of the reasons you don't were a hat at the table, but come-on, It's a fedora!
And while your busy thinking about that, you take another look at the relfelction and you swear that you just saw your reflection mouth
and you get really freaked out, but then realize it's just your mind playing tricks on you, as well as the expired medication you substituted for Ice Cream sprinkles that afternoon.

Fun day. Arm dislocated. That hasn't happened in 5 years so my shoulder hurts like all hell right now.

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