Thursday, October 4, 2007

Don Keyote now on youtube

Don Keyote is now on youtube, and this times it wasn't just STOLEN by some jerk. I actually decided to upload a good quality version of Don Keyote.

On that note, I might just try to make Don Coyote this winter. It wouldn't be too hard, but with the Wii version of Twilight princess, I can't use the camera control. Oh well, I'll give it a shot, I guess. I'll tell you if I start on it.


Anonymous said...

well its good to know that theres more Don Keyote to see this holiday.I have just 2 things to say.first you said on newgrounds that don keyote will use his hammer and in twilight princess there is no hammer.Also you do know the gamecude version of TP gives you camera control.just so you know

Andrew "TX2" Turpel said...

Don Coyote is not the Same as Don Keyote, so he may not be using a hammer. And I'm not buying or renting the gamecube version just to make a movie. (Barry has the GC version, but he's too far away to help right now.)