Thursday, December 13, 2007

Professor Eliot Porfirio

I did a really quick sketch for The Professor here to try and get a better Idea for his look. After I wrote that little story, I had his character with much better definition so as you can see, it was much easier to draw him out than it was the last time.

This Picture does pretty well to show his eccentric sloppyness, while leaving room for him to be very intimidating when he has to be.

I'll consider drawing a framed and structured picture of him later.


Anonymous said...

reminds me a bit...of Dr. Tomoe from Sailor Moon S.... "Andy Version" of him lol That's hard to explain, for sure.

Maybe it's just because he's completely white in this... lol

Andrew "TX2" Turpel said...

Bridgette Brian and the Bunny will not become sailor moon.
As god as my witness.