Thursday, April 19, 2007

BBB3 plot ideas

First off, this was supposed to be posted a good 10 hours ago, but something was keeping me from uploading the sketch, so I had to wait for it to fix. I'll post again later today to compensate.

So once I made the suggestion to myself to put some of the Ask PC characters (The Bandanna Bounty Hunters, and the Cap Sisters) into Bridgette Brian and the Bunny 3, a lot of ideas started moving and I'm now certain that adding these guys into BBB canon will only help cartoon.

Right now BBB is all humor and random, but where it's heading will have a lot more plot to it, and I need to make sure I buffer this as much as I can. One of those ways could be to introduce more important characters in a foreshadowing light (ie: They don't reveal anything about themselves, but you know they will eventually). This is where those four Ask PC characters come in: they're all bounty hunters, which means they need a bounty to hunt and they need someone to put up the bounty.

So I introduce some major characters by having them put up a Bounty for Bridgette and Brian, this brings these characters into the picture and it also sets up the wacky events of episode 3 involving the Ask PC characters.

With that in mind, I'd better learn to draw some of those characters fast, Which brings us to the sketch, Brian Black:
She is a robot like Brian Green (the one in the first blog post), so I tried making the skin color look unnatural, but I might need to tinker with that a bit. The clothing is pretty arbitrary, it just needs to be droopy and Submissive, so I felt the Kimono would fit that pretty well.
I got the face exactly how I wanted it, but the body isn't right at all; It's disproportioned in places and it also is to old (she's supposed to be at least 5 years younger than Brian Green). I would blame that on the odd pose she's in, but that's what makes the face work so well.

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