Thursday, April 12, 2007

Drinking water

If theres one thing I have going for me, It's that I keep myself hydrated. People are supposed to drink something around one ounce of water for every 2 pounds they weigh (and even more if they take caffeine), and I do that by keeping a huge supply of water at my desk at all times. I usually use 2 liter bottles to hold them, but right now I'm using a collectors cup from the local movie theater. Even though their plastic and meant to last a while, it still gets used far beyond its original intention, the top is now worn and beaten and it's soul has been crushed by overuse:Which brings us to todays sketch. There's that movie theater cup, now turned water glass begging to be thrown out or recycled. What I did with the coloring in this was I set the paint brush in FLA to "paint behind" which allows me to scrawl accross the whole thing and not draw over the outline. It's good for a messy sketch effect in the backgrounds, or hair (when used carefully) and it's also good when your so god damn lazy you can't move the pen half way across the screen to the Fill tool.

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