Monday, April 23, 2007

PC Month Part2: That funny Sweater.

Now that Sean was finally created, he needed a look. I wasn't too much for designing characters at the time, and by "giving Sean a look," what I really meant was "have a shirt that none of the other characters wear."

Yes Sean's First Major characteristic was his one sleeved sweatshirt. I had a grey sweatshirt at that time that his outfit was based on (even that lighter grey stripe on his chest). However the reason he only has one sleeve and sags over it's right hand has a deeper story to it.

See in summer/fall of 2000 Cartoon Network's Toonami was airing "Tenchi In Tokyo." I wasn't too happy with this cartoon, and I liked it less and less the more I thought about it, but I used to watch the good Tenchi series when PBS aired it, so I gave the show a chance. It was a really terrible cartoon, though, you haven't seen it, don't waste your time.

In one of the episodes, there's a guy who had this jacket with one long sleeve that he concealed a blade in. I had thought the Concept was interesting enough and applied it to Sean. In retrospect the character was kind of Feminine and not at all right for Sean's character, but Sean's outfit was effected by this guy none the less. and so our green haired hero got the sweat shirt he has today.

The picture above is actually from about January of 2001, I don't have any pics of him before this point left, besides the one where he gets electrocuted. And on that note I should point out that I also had his electrocuting as the reason his left arm sleeve got ripped off.

As an interesting way to end this part: Sean does not even have this sweater anymore at all. In the recently released flashtoon Hey Terrene, his look was changed to be more practical.

So there is your history of Sean for the day, but be forewarned: the next part will not be pretty. We'll be looking at the terrible hair that Sean had over the year 2001 (this is going to get ugly, I'm almost afraid to show the next sketches).

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