Monday, April 30, 2007

The Lost Episode of Ask PC

I didn't think I'd ever end up letting this see the light of day. Despite having some jokes that I consider my best work, the animation was just terrible (especially in the car ride scene, it looks like a 2001 flash cartoon!), and the voice acting for the Hitchhiker was even worse.

The big reason I gave up on the cartoon was the ending I had planned out was just not going to happen because the concept was really lousy, frankly. It was originally a mean spirited parody of The Mourner by charlie zero, in which Vic and Sean would basically pull a bugs bunny on the guy. I finally decided to make it less and less about the mourner, but the more I messed with the plot from the inside out the more confounded it became. It went out of control like a panicked cat and I had no choice but to drop it.

My last attempt to salvage this can be noted in the final scene (after the cheese-it joke). It's really quality work and it shows some of the techniques I applied to future cartoons like Ico Parody and BBB, but it wasn't enough to save the project. Instead of that last scene saving AskPC3, it got taken down with it.

But since you guys are used to seeing my scraps, You probably won't mind this being so unfinished. (BTW Mockarina of time Master Quest was about 5 times as broken as this was):





(I used Photobucket instead of Youtube, because I don't really want this movie getting out too much)

I think this was a joke I was going to shoehorn into it somewhere. The reference is already obscure after only 2 years.


Anonymous said...

I actually would have really liked to see that one finished :) I love Vic and Sean

Andrew "TX2" Turpel said...

The World wasn't ready...