Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Cast of Luik: part 4, The Hero (alive)

First of all, his name isn't Luik. His name was not Luik when I started this project, and though it may have been his name sometime during the production, his name is not Luik now.
I'll reveal who Luik is in the cast of Luik Part 6, but for now, we talk about the (currently) nameless hero.

For those of you familiar with the Legend of Luik, you will notice that this picture here is from before his home was destroyed.
His earliest memory was that of his Grandfather being gone. He could never remember his grandfather, but he remembered when he was gone: he remembered his father telling him that his grandfather was dead. Much of his idle time as a young child was thinking about the what dead was, and this was tricky because he had never encounter someone dieing in his life, only them no longer being around after their death. He decided for himself that Death meant a person could no longer be a part of his life.
In his Eyes only people other than himself could be dead. After all, he thought, how could he be separated from himself? This is what comforted him, for he was all too scared of what happened to those who died. At this time he was six years of age and a young girl had made a habit out of watching him; his fate was sealed.

When Luik was chosen by Katharina, the girl's father made it a point that this boy would become the strongest man in their village. Having the very leader of the village as a mentor was an honor, but between the daily endurance training and the constant nuisance following him around he began to wonder if after death was so scary after all.
But he eventually grew fond of the Girls company, and he became more interesting in progressing his training himself.
As he grew more fond of Katharina he began to worry about her own death. A time could come when she would no longer be a part of his life. This would not be a problem much longer as he would soon learn with his own eyes what death really was. His Village was under attack, and the force was so desperate that there was no way they could have survived. His eyes became clouded in the chaos and all of his training was useless. ...

The next thing he knew everyone around him was as cold as the earth and their bodies were destroyed. Nothing of what his village had been was left; his home, his village, and his life were gone. He now knew what happen to those after they died. He no longer feared it, and without fear of death, and with his eyes still clouded with chaos, the now dead Luik could see one thing and one thing alone. Katharina was not among the bodies... he had nothing to lose from pursuing the ones who took her.

And that's the Story of the hero's Life, Next Month, we'll take a look at what he considers his death, although at that time a full version of Legend of Luik will finally be available (and because of Deviantart's Licensing regulation this preview will only be available on the blog).

Tune in tomorrow for part 4 of PC month. Did I ever fix Sean's Atrocious hair? Find out tomorrow!

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